My transcript:
Obama wants you, he...The best way to put it, and it's working: He’s trying to kill spirit. All this hope and change; he’s trying to kill it. Do you know how many frustrated Americans there are out there at what's happening? This Sanford business, I'm going to tell you one of the first thoughts that crosse my mind, with Mark Sanford. This was the first thought. What he did defies logic. This is more than being 180 degrees out of phase because of lust or love. To split the scene for five days. And we know he’s been separated, and he knows, by the way, that the newspaper in his state has the e-mails between his concubine down there in Argentina . He knows this. He knows that somebody knows what’s going on. He knows his wife knows. So he ups and leaves for five days, doesn’t leave anybody in charge of the state in case there is an emergency. This is, this is almost like, “I don’t give a damn. Country’s going to hell in a hand basked and I just want out of here.”
He had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to SC. He didn’t want nay part of it. He had just lost the battle. He said, “what that hell, I mean I’m, the Federal Government is taking over. What the hell, I want to enjoy life.”
One of the first things I thought, now today he’s saying he doesn’t want to give up, he wants to stay in office, but I mean even Charles Krauthammer said, this is like self-inflicted political suicide, and it certainly appeared to be. The point is, there are a lot of people who’s spirit, is just, they’re fed up and the hell with it. I don't even want to fight it anymore. I just want to get away from it.
Then a check into e-mail.
Rush, are you kidding, this theory of yours about Sanford?
No, I’m not g… My first thought was, he said the hell with this. The Democrats are destroying the country, we can’t do anything to stop it, I gave everything I had to stop it here in South Carolina, my wife’s left me, the hell with it, I’m going to enjoy life, what little time I’ve got left. Folks, there are a lot of people looking at life and they’re saying “screw it.” They're saying, "screw it." And before Obama takes away their money, before Obama takes away their house, before the economy takes away their house; there are people who are simply saying the hell with this, they are tuned out. “The hell with it, I’m just going to try to enjoy this as much as I can.” And they’re thinking about, what, of course, have you…, Clinton was in Argentina the other night from what I’m told. I frankly think that this is what’s wrong with the economy today. I frankly think a whole lot of people just lost their spirit.